Temeplate for Monobrick

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  • #4392
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    To make programming with the Visual Studio a bit easier, I decided to write a temeplate for MonoBrick for the Visual Studio (currently only 2013). The special thing: I wrote an application that gets executed when starting debugging that uploads the file directly to the EV3. You can enter the settings manually or it can read the settings from a file.


    Please read the readme.txt for more information.
    Just as a hint: Everything worked if the window closes without an message when the upload is completed.


    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Author ImageTcm0.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Author ImageTcm0.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Author ImageTcm0.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Author ImageTcm0. Reason: [b] doesn't work?
    Author Image
    Martin Wagner

    Hi Max,
    could not try your template. I have to get an “un-rarer” first. Or could you provide a zipped version?
    To my question:
    Is it just uploading the binary or did you get a remote debugging session running with VisualStudio?
    See you,

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    Maybe I’ll try to get remote debugging to run soon, but currently it’s only for uploading.
    Here is a ZIP archive: klick me.

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    Debugging with the normal Visual Studio Debugger seems not to work because the EV3 would have to run the “msvsmon.exe” from “Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x86”. I don’t think that it’s compatible with the Mono/ Xamarin debugger.
    Maybe the debugger of Xamarin can be used alone/ the VS plugin of Xamarin can be used but I’m still testing that.

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    Anders Søborg

    Nice work. Are you able to create a Add-in for Visual Studio?


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    Um… It seems like VS doesn’t support EV3 debugging so easy.
    What else should an Add-in do what the template doesn’t do yet?

    Author Image
    Anders Søborg

    Hi Max

    I was just hoping for a Visual Studio Add-in and not a template. But after seeing your YouTube video I can see that the template works quite nicely. I would like to use this on my site if that is ok with you? You would of course get full credit. Also if you could write a guide along the lines of this that would be great. What do you say?

    Concerning debugging I know that it is possible to debug Mono programs from Visual Studio – but not easy and not free!!


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    Feel free to use the template however you want. But it would be great if someone could test the template before it gets released officially since there might be some problems I havn’t noticed yet. In addition to that, it only works on Visual Studio 2013 since 2010 doesn’t support relative file paths.
    I can write a guide if you want but I can’t guarantee that it won’t contain mistakes (language-wise).

    Okay, thank you for the information.

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    Anders Søborg

    Hi Max

    How is the guide coming along?


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    First I updated the template for the new MonoBrick release: http://www.mediafire.com/download/2w8q8xq55y7gsdn/EV3TemeplateV2.1.zip.
    It’s finished.
    0. Make sure to have Visual Studio 2013 installed.
    1. Unzip the latest version of the EV3 Template.
    2. Make sure to save a backup somewhere as you need it for every new project.
    3. Extract the EV3Temeplate folder from within the archive to the place you want to have your project.
    4. Rename the folder as you like.
    5. Go into [Your Name]\EV3Temeplate and open the config.cfg.
    6. You can enter the IP of the EV3 under “IP:” and the name you want the final file to have on the EV3 under “Name:”. It’s Temeplate.exe by default. You will be requested every time you try to debug the application if you don’t enter anyting.
    7. Open the “EV3Temeplate.sln” and edit the code as you wish.
    8. Press “F5” or the small green arrow to compile and upload the application. Make sure that your anti virus scanner doesn’t delete the EV3Upload.exe in this step!
    9. Start the application from within the EV3’s menu.

    You can find the most important parts in the Readme.txt in the archive, too.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Author ImageTcm0.
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    A small update: the express version of visual studio doesn’t allow to change the start action. Here is a list on how to still use the template:
    0. Make sure to have Visual Studio 2013 installed.
    1. Unzip the latest version of the EV3 Template.
    2. Make sure to save a backup somewhere as you need it for every new project.
    3. Extract the EV3Temeplate folder from within the archive to the place you want to have your project.
    4. Rename the folder as you like.
    5. Go into [Your Name]\EV3Temeplate and open the config.cfg.
    6. You can enter the IP of the EV3 under “IP:” and the name you want the final file to have on the EV3 under “Name:”. It’s Temeplate.exe by default. You will be requested every time you try to debug the application if you don’t enter anyting.
    7. Open the “EV3Temeplate.sln” and edit the code as you wish.
    8.1 Press “F6” to compile the program.
    8.2 Go into the “EV3Temeplate” folder and open the “EV3Upload.exe” to upload the program. Make sure that your anti virus scanner doesn’t delete the EV3Upload.exe in this step!
    9. Start the application from within the EV3′s menu.

    Author Image
    Anders Søborg

    Hi Max

    Looks great – but the template comes with a MonoBrickFirmware.dll… would it be possible to make the template a part of the git repository this way when a new MonoBrickFirware.dll is created the template will be up to date.


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    Feel free to do with it whatever you want.

    Author Image
    Anders Søborg

    Hi Max

    I just updated the frontpage of the EV3 firmware with short description of your template and a link to this thread. Thanks a lot


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