Home→Forums→MonoBrick EV3 Firmware→EV3 display problem
Tagged: diplay dimmed
- This topic has 12 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 11 months ago by
Anders Søborg.
March 30, 2014 at 13:19 #4095
simo bejijouParticipantHello,
I’m in the first steps,
I created my 2Gb bootable SD card.
When starting my Lego brick, my display screen is badly visible, I see the menu items, but it’s like an alpha is applied to the screen black text color, & the text is very difficult to read.For Info I can navigate in the menu items (programs, wifi connections, etc…)
At the beginning I thought it’s a problem of battery, but when I switch to native firmware (I remove the SD card then restart) I find normal screen display.If my pb description isn’t clear I can add some photos.
Is this a known problem?Thanks in advance.
March 30, 2014 at 14:51 #4096
simo bejijouParticipantOne additional info,
I used 512Kb.img in my 2Gb SD card (as 2Gb img didn’t fit in my 2Gb SD card)March 30, 2014 at 18:25 #4097
Anders SøborgKeymasterHi Simo
I have never seen or heard of this before… could you please provide some photos. What happens when you run a program?
March 30, 2014 at 19:54 #4098
simo bejijouParticipantHello Anders,
Please find attached 2 photos, with native firmware(Screen_OK) & with monobrick firmware(Screen_NOK).
For info, I’m capable to connect Wifi and also I’m capable to run Motor example. (despite the hard navigation in the menu due to my display issue :))
Some auxilaury info may be it will help,
I’m using a sanDisk SD card with 2Gb, I repeated the SD bootable creation from another a mac using command lines as it’s well described in your tuto.
I started by img 2Gb, the EV3 hangs in starting phase whith a screan with text mindtorms + Starting.
I repeated the operation with 512Mb with same SD card of 2Gb, then the EV3 is running OK except the display issue :(.I hope this may give some hints to this issue solving.
You must be logged in to view attached files.March 31, 2014 at 19:03 #4106
Anders SøborgKeymasterI am looking into this… I havn’t seen this before. What happens when you write to the LCD from your own program? What happens when you boot.
Does it start off OK (with the text that says: “starting”)?
March 31, 2014 at 19:35 #4107
simo bejijouParticipantHello Anders,
Here is some additional infos:
1 – I noticed that native firmware starts in this dimmed state, then when it switchs to the Menu it appears with no dimming issue. Is this normal with your Bricks Native Firmware?2 – With Mono Brick firmware, It starts dimmed then the Mono Brick logo appears in a dimmed display too, then the Mono brick menu appears and stay in a dimmed display.
Please note that in between I tried other SD cards & I tried All images, and I have same symptoms.
Regarding your question, what happen when you write to your LCD etc…,
with Mindstorms programing blocks writing is OK.
With Monobrick firmware example I guess Color Sensor writes some text, but I wasn’t capable to see what is dispalyed it’s why I tried Motor example to see Motos running it was better 🙂But regarding point 1, It seems that’s a brick issue.
March 31, 2014 at 19:38 #4108
Anders SøborgKeymasterHi
I am not sure I understand… when you run the motor example the display is ok?
March 31, 2014 at 19:46 #4109
simo bejijouParticipantFor Motor example the display is dimmed (I cant’t read what’s displayed I pressed only OK button) then the motors are running OK (meaning they do the same sequence as described in your video)
March 31, 2014 at 19:54 #4110
Anders SøborgKeymasterHi
I noticed that native firmware starts in this dimmed state, then when it switchs to the Menu it appears with no dimming issue. Is this normal with your Bricks Native Firmware?
No – again I have never seen this. Anyone else has seen this behaviour?
March 31, 2014 at 20:03 #4111
Anders SøborgKeymasterHi
Just for info I posted a question on this on facebook. You might want to follow the discussion…
March 31, 2014 at 20:51 #4112
simo bejijouParticipantI’m following your post on facebook.
I’ll contact very soon Lego support as it seems a Lego brick issue (to be confirmed)May 3, 2014 at 14:50 #4216
simo bejijouParticipantHello Anders,
After contacting Lego Support,
They confirmed the problem and they changed my EV3 brick.
I received it today and your firmware is working fine.Thanks for your support.
Now it’s time to play (work) 🙂sure I’ll be back to the forum not for an issue but for contributions 🙂
May 3, 2014 at 15:17 #4218
Anders SøborgKeymasterGreat – LEGO always has a nice service!!!
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