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  • in reply to: I2C communication PCF8574AP #4882
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    I’m not sure that “LcdConsole.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToString(pcf.ReadReg(2, 1)));” works.
    Try it with “LcdConsole.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(pcf.ReadReg(2, 1)));

    in reply to: I2C communication PCF8574AP #4874
    Author Image

    You can try to use “0x70” as the register.

    in reply to: I2C communication PCF8574AP #4870
    Author Image

    The PCF8574AP must have registers because otherwise no I2C device can work with it. But the registers are programmed in the software.

    in reply to: I2C communication PCF8574AP #4868
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    You probably don’t need the resistors on the breadboard. Can you read registers?

    in reply to: two or more wifi bricks #4862
    Author Image

    It should work. Just create another brick with another name.
    var brick1 = new Brick<Sensor,Sensor,Sensor,Sensor>(“wifi”);
    var brick2 = new Brick<Sensor,Sensor,Sensor,Sensor>(“wifi”);

    in reply to: communication between robot and pc #4855
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    I havn’t tested it but you may be able to use the debugging console of Xamarin. Just google it.

    in reply to: wait for input from touch sensor #4852
    Author Image

    You use the button event and a loop. But that doesn’t work: You either have to use the button event or the loop.
    Here is a quick example on how to use buttons without event:
    `Buttons.ButtonStates TastenStatus = new Buttons.ButtonStates ();
    Buttons.Instance.LedPattern (1);
    do {
    TastenStatus = Buttons.Instance.GetKeypress();
    if (TastenStatus == Buttons.ButtonStates.Enter) { LcdConsole.WriteLine(“Enter is pressed.”); }
    else LcdConsole.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(TastenStatus) + ” is pressed.”);
    } while (TastenStatus != Buttons.ButtonStates.Escape);

    in reply to: controlling the engine #4839
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    Sorry, but I havn’t used PID so far :/ gives a good introduction. There are also calculators avaible to calculate the PID. But maybe you’d better google before asking me as I don’t know so much about PID.

    in reply to: controlling the engine #4833
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    As I said, PID is probably your best guess or at least the most acurate.
    It seems that you use the NXT color sensor and not the EV3 one. In that case the first link from the other topic to the RGB mode would be right (:P to Anders).

    in reply to: Temeplate for Monobrick #4830
    Author Image

    First I updated the template for the new MonoBrick release:
    It’s finished.
    0. Make sure to have Visual Studio 2013 installed.
    1. Unzip the latest version of the EV3 Template.
    2. Make sure to save a backup somewhere as you need it for every new project.
    3. Extract the EV3Temeplate folder from within the archive to the place you want to have your project.
    4. Rename the folder as you like.
    5. Go into [Your Name]\EV3Temeplate and open the config.cfg.
    6. You can enter the IP of the EV3 under “IP:” and the name you want the final file to have on the EV3 under “Name:”. It’s Temeplate.exe by default. You will be requested every time you try to debug the application if you don’t enter anyting.
    7. Open the “EV3Temeplate.sln” and edit the code as you wish.
    8. Press “F5” or the small green arrow to compile and upload the application. Make sure that your anti virus scanner doesn’t delete the EV3Upload.exe in this step!
    9. Start the application from within the EV3’s menu.

    You can find the most important parts in the Readme.txt in the archive, too.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Author ImageTcm0.
    in reply to: Can the color sensor detect orange? #4822
    Author Image

    Sorry, didn’t know that the NXT had RGB mode. In that case the reflected light or the RGB mode (if it’s avaible for the EV3 color sensor) should be your choice.

    in reply to: controlling the engine #4813
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    in reply to: Can the color sensor detect orange? #4812
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    in reply to: SignalR on Monobrick #4808
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    You only have to write the new image to the microsd using the win32 disk image. But you will use all files and settings you previously made.
    MonoBrick is running on .NET. Wouldn’t it be easier to make a simple Server-Client communication with the server running on your computer. Just google “.net server client communication” or “c# server client communication”.

    in reply to: Trying to run a program(doesn't work) #4797
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    Sounds like the program is throwing an exception. Can you please post the code you wrote?

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