Helmut Wunder

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  • in reply to: please enlarge the for editing a post! #4289
    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    thank you! 🙂

    in reply to: please enlarge the for editing a post! #4284
    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    … just as happened here for the caption of this topic… 🙁

    in reply to: error unzip imagefile 4GB #4282
    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    the same about the 2 GB imagefile:

    ! C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Helmut\Desktop\temp\imagefile_2GB.img.gz: Unerwartetes Archivende.
    ! C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Helmut\Desktop\temp\imagefile_2GB.img.gz: CRC-Fehler in imagefile_2GB.img. Die Datei ist fehlerhaft.

    BTW, what is the advantage having the 512kB or 2GB or 4GB image?

    in reply to: possible to #include header files ? #4279
    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    thank you, now I understand!

    was known to me as a PASCAL statement which includes unit files and which worked similar like
    for (e.g., header) files in plain C
    so I confused this C# command
    by the aforementioned.

    the other issue now is resolved, too – it wouldn’t work because inside an init procedure the instance variables woud be just local and not global and thus useless for their intended purpose.

    But now it’s clear, thanks again! 😎

    in reply to: formatstrings for Lcd.WriteText or anything #4260
    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    thank you for your post!
    In C# formatting appears to be far more complicated than when using C (“%3d”, “%5.2f”,…) so it will take some time until I will have learned that stuff. I’m curious if it once will be possible to simplify this issue by having inline functions (like wraps around the C# functions)…

    in reply to: Microinfinity XG1300L gyro+acceleration sensor #4256
    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    haha, nice try 😀
    but actually: no. I daresay that I did a lot of things at the limits of NXC, but I ever failed trying to do low-level things like i2c, BT, or rs485 protocols.
    So i2c is actually not supposed to be an appropriate approach to learning C#…

    Other way round: having the transcoded NXC program from above to a C# source would make me deductively slowly step into understanding C# syntax rules 😎

    in reply to: Microinfinity XG1300L gyro+acceleration sensor #4253
    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    thanks for the LCD thing – now just the XG1300L gyro+acc i2c code is pending… 😉

    in reply to: formatstrings for Lcd.WriteText or anything #4252
    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    thank you, I already found this, but I don’t see information about this C-equivalent formatstring and multi-Variable-formatting. I guess C# is quite different from C, probably still a lot to learn anew…

    in reply to: Microinfinity XG1300L gyro+acceleration sensor #4242
    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    sry, can’t edit my post any more, I meant something like

    printfxy(0,10,"GyroAngle: %4d", gyro.Angle() );
    printfxy(0,20,"Acc XYZ:%4.2f%4.2f%4.2f", gyro.accX(), gyro.accY(), gyro.accZ() );

    is this possible ?

    in reply to: Microinfinity XG1300L gyro+acceleration sensor #4239
    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    something like printfxy(pixelX, pixelY, "formatstring", value (,value) (,value) (...) ) would be fine to have, too, for screen output as a substitute for NXC NumOut and TextOut

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Author ImageHelmut Wunder.
    in reply to: Microinfinity XG1300L gyro+acceleration sensor #4237
    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    I’d really like to contribute and give some code input if I got help transcribing the NXC i2c commands into Mono i2c commands
    ArrayBuild(); I2CStatus(); STAT_COMM_PENDING; I2CWrite(); and test the code and fix possible issues, and if the code once is finally fixed then it might – and should – be implemented. I’ll track and show the progress made by a youtube video.
    IMO the XG1300L IMU is worth while to be supported because it provides a never-seen accuracy and extremely low noise level or drift for navigaton and dead-reckoning.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Author ImageHelmut Wunder.
    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    thank you for your reply, I’m really looking forward to the solution – hopefully it will be also suitable for really uneducated novice programmers 😉

    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    …and Lego calls it layers, not levels…

    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    sorry- in both cases: OutI or In9 for the 3rd brick == 2nd slave brick, of course

    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    Hope this answers your questions….

    ahaaam…. actually …, haha, …. no 😉
    I don’t understand a single word about “network socket connection” or “RNDIS or CDC device”.
    What I mean is to use it simply like with the Lego software –
    just use either I/O of the chained bricks as if they were local.
    Given, e.g.

    Motor motor = new Motor(MotorPort.OutA); // is for the 1st port of the master brick; alternatively: alias Out1
    // then
    Motor motor = new Motor(MotorPort.OutI); // would be for the 1st port of the 3rd slave brick; alternatively: alias Out9

    the same about the sensors:

    var touchSensor = new TouchSensor(SensorPort.In1); // is for the 1st port of the master brick
    // then
    var touchSensor = new TouchSensor(SensorPort.In9); // would be for the 1st port of the 3rd slave brick

    Alternatively you might implement “levels” for brick instances like the Lego fw does (and like your communication lib is supposed to do as far as I see through it) instead of numerating ports from 1 to 16 or whatever….

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Author ImageHelmut Wunder.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Author ImageHelmut Wunder.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Author ImageHelmut Wunder.
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