Reply To: TCP/IP USB connection

HomeForumsMonoBrick EV3 FirmwareTCP/IP USB connectionReply To: TCP/IP USB connection

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Maurice Calvert

Thanks for the follow-up.

My local network is 192.168.1.* so even if I set the EV3 IP address to I can’t ping it because 10.*.*.* isn’t my local network.

When I set the Ev3 to (accessible on my local network) I can ping it.
When I try and connect with SFTP it says “Server rejected SFTP but it listens for FTP connections”.
When I try and connect with FTP it says “No connection could be made because the target machine actively rejected it”.
When I try and connect with SCP it says “Connection to refused”.
So: It’s definitely there and listening.
It seems that the network setup is correct but the brick is refusing to talk.

Seeing as it’s listening, why would be any different to

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