#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "connection.h"

using namespace std;
  * Class for Bluetooth communication
class Bluetooth : public Connection{
     * Constructor for Bluetooth connection
    * Send a byte string
    * @param *buffer [a pointer to a buffer that can hold the bytes to send]
    * @param num_bytes [the number of bytes to send]
    void send(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int num_bytes);

    * Connect to the NXT
    * @param comport [specify the comport that is to used for the connection between the NXT and PC]
    void connect(unsigned int comport);

    * Disconnect from the NXT
    void disconnect();

    * Receive a byte string
    * @param *buffer [a pointer to a buffer that can hold the received bytes]
    * @param length [the number of bytes to receive]
    void receive(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int length);

    * Flush the input and output buffer
    void flush();

    * Get the connection type
    * @return BT = bluetooth (see the CONNECTION_TYPE enumeration)
    Connection_type get_type();
    //unsigned int get_port();
    * The comport handle
    HANDLE handle;

    * Byte pointer used to send/recieve data
    BYTE *byte;

    * nunmber of bytes recieved/send
    DWORD number_bytes;

    * structure containing the time-out parameters for the comport
    COMMTIMEOUTS timeout;

    * structure that defines the control setting for the comport
    DCB dcb;
    unsigned int comport;