Hi all With the latest release of the MonoBrick firmware support for two sensors from Mindsensors where added. Please make sure that you head over to their site and vote for MonoBrick to let them know that MonoBrick matters… Thanks
Hi all Version 1.1 of the Xamarin Studio Add-in (and firmware.dll) is now available. The new version has the following highlights New LCD functions like DrawCircle, DrawCircleFilled and DrawEllipse (thanks to vlad Ruzov for his contribution) Added support for cancelling/hiding…
The Xamarin Studio Add-in allows you to download and debug programs directly from Xamarin Studio IDE. The Add-in supports the latest MonoBrick firmware release and allows you to debug programs over a WiFi or USB connection. Please enjoy!
I just uploaded a new version of the MonoBrick communication library. The new version includes a fix for USB when compiling a EV3 program in Visual Studio.
The source code for MonoBrick is now available. When downloading the MonoBrick test project the source code is now included. This might help problems that some users have had when compiling with Visual Studio 2012 on Windows. MonoBrick can be…
A new version of the MonoBrick communication library has been uploaded. The new version supports the new EV3 brick. With the library you can remote control the brick from Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Windows Phone and Android. The library supports…
The upcoming release for the EV3 brick now supports WiFi connection. Establishing a WiFi connection with the EV3 brick was much more cumbersome than expected so I decided to write a small guide on what I did to make it…
I finally got my hands on a EV3 set. It is so cool… The process of getting MonoBrick to support the new brick has begun. This weekend I got a working USB and Bluetooth connection for Mac OS. On Android…