Reply To: Temeplate for Monobrick

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First I updated the template for the new MonoBrick release:
It’s finished.
0. Make sure to have Visual Studio 2013 installed.
1. Unzip the latest version of the EV3 Template.
2. Make sure to save a backup somewhere as you need it for every new project.
3. Extract the EV3Temeplate folder from within the archive to the place you want to have your project.
4. Rename the folder as you like.
5. Go into [Your Name]\EV3Temeplate and open the config.cfg.
6. You can enter the IP of the EV3 under “IP:” and the name you want the final file to have on the EV3 under “Name:”. It’s Temeplate.exe by default. You will be requested every time you try to debug the application if you don’t enter anyting.
7. Open the “EV3Temeplate.sln” and edit the code as you wish.
8. Press “F5” or the small green arrow to compile and upload the application. Make sure that your anti virus scanner doesn’t delete the EV3Upload.exe in this step!
9. Start the application from within the EV3’s menu.

You can find the most important parts in the Readme.txt in the archive, too.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Author ImageTcm0.
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